It is essential that every student of a college or a University deals with papers writing and formatting. However, while all the basic format requirements are well-known to every student, the peculiarities of such kinds of writing as, for example, accounting essays, are not very available. Therefore, this article aims to give an overview of the accounting essays format.
Following is the list of major format requirements for an accounting essay.
- An accounting essay should have margins of minimum 1 inch from all the sides.
- The standard font for this kind of free essay papers is Times New Roman, sized from 9 to 12.
- As a rule, the pages in accounting essays are not numerated.
- A special attention should be paid to various formulae and data presented in accounting essays. To be more concrete, the formulae are most often centered, and there should be a distance of at least two spaces between the two neighboring ones. In addition, it is important for the numbers in the formulae to have the same size as the letters in the paper body.
- The reference list page, as well as all the citations, should be formatted in accordance with the requirement of a certain citation style. In order to do the citations properly, one can use the manuals for such styles as APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, and others. All the manuals and examples of citations are available online. One more important detail is that the words “Reference List” or “Works Cited” should be centered and followed by no colon.
- The spacing in an accounting essay is usually double. One should set this spacing for numbers and formulae too.
- There should be no spacing between paragraphs in accounting essays.
- The title page of the paper should be written in bold. The font size of the essay name should not exceed 12.
The mentioned format requirements are obligatory for all accounting essays. However, there may be some additional rules in your particular educational establishment, so you should consult your advisor. In any case, if you have some doubts about whether you formatted your paper properly or not, you can always find a qualitative template of an accounting essay and check everything that you did not understand.