An application essay represents the student’s best opportunity to sell the admissions committee on the application. Application essays achieve the best results when the student writes about his or her self as a brand and communicates the value offering he or she will bring to the education institution.
Above all else, application essays need to stand out – the student is competing against thousands of people for a handful of spots, and while the GPA certainly matters, it will never guarantee the student a place. If you are preparing to write an essay for application in the next few months, have a look at these guidelines for some insight into the process.
Think about the application essay as a sales proposal or brand management statement for a product. The student needs to be able to tell the admissions board exactly what they will bring to the program and to the school, in the same way that a sales pitch communicates the value of a product over its competitors.
Use the application essay to highlight your own inimitable worth. Avoid hackneyed points such as leadership skills – all the application essays will talk about leadership. Instead, demonstrate initiative; highlight your courage, your determination, and your innovation.
Give yourself at least four months lead time to write your application essays, and submit them for the first round. This will give you time to develop your own brand and word it succinctly. Be prepared to write the application essay in its entirety at least 10 times.
Consider working with a reputable professional admissions consultant, especially if you are applying to a high ranking MBA program. Free Essays for application can always benefit from the insight of a dispassionate, objective third party feedback and criticism.
Communicate your achievements and leadership experiences in a way that demonstrates how an initiative you developed or an idea of yours that was implemented helped other people. Focus on how something you did was actually of benefit to other people besides you. Admissions committees are looking for leaders who can contribute to the school and to the society at large.